Succeeding in art school entrance exams
Every year, the Foundation year in Art students pass the competitive entrance exams of prestigious, highly selective art and design schools.
These include: in France, ENSCI, ENSAD, EPSAA, HEAR, Ecole des Beaux arts de Paris, Cergy, Lyon, Nantes, Nice..., ESAD Reims and Amiens, HEAR Strasbourg, Institut français de la mode, Camondo... and in Europe: HEAD Geneva, ECAL Lausanne, Gerrit Rietveld academy, Design Academy Eindhoven, KABK The Hague, La Cambre and Saint Luc Brussels, UAL London (Chelsea, Saint Martin School, LCF...).
These schools offer specialized sections in design, graphic design, interior architecture, fashion, photography, cinema and the artistic disciplines present in the field of contemporary art.
Intensive preparation for competitive examinations
Students are immersed in a pedagogy aligned with the demands of the higher education schools in Art competitive examinations.
The pace is fast, commitment and rigor are required, and autonomy is encouraged.
Lecturers and teachers are professionals from the art world: painters, visual artists, designers, architects, film-makers, scenographers, illustrators, ceramists...
A busy schedule
Preparation in 3 stages
The art foundation course is a very intensive year which requires a great deal of commitment on the part of the students. The timetable at Atelier de Sèvres combines theoretical instruction, intensive practice of various artistic disciplines, preparation of an artistic portfolio and preparation for the entrance examinations to the major art schools.
Acquiring the fundamentals
From September to mid-December, the students of the art foundation course acquire the fundamentals of representation techniques, develop their creativity and their general culture. This first term is punctuated by classes, subjects, reports and corrections, and ends with a presentation before a jury in order to evaluate the student's progress.
Preparing the artistic portfolio
From mid-December to the end of February, the students focus on the creation of their artistic portfolio. This will be presented to the juries of the art schools during the entrance exams. Students in the art foundation year can use the work they have done in their option. The art foundation students are also accompanied by a teacher dedicated to their portfolio until the end of the year.
Competition preparation
From the beginning of March to mid-May, the art foundation students put the finishing touches to their artistic portfolio and take mock exams (written and oral) with a test situation. In the run-up to the competitive examinations, the timetables of art foundation students are adjusted in order to meet the final demands (covering letter, meeting with the artistic portfolio director, etc.).